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van de Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Sparkling Love Toller of Carpe Diem (Kadootje)


Liwanu Pihtik
CH.Ch Objibwa's Zaroki LT
Rhineferry's Sirius Zax Objibwa's Tonkawa Cik Agi Masterclass
Redwyn's Orion At Rhineferry
Rhineferry's Lucky Star
NK NJK Rhineferry's Wishing on the Star W'10
Camusmor Whatadream ShCM
Int At Hr Rus Ch Slo Gch Delongstar Diamond Dream RL 6-Ex
Fire Shadow Angel Diamondstar Love Story Redaurora Ruby Fire Dancer
INT CH CH (RU, BEL, RKF), J.CH RU, CLUB Lorevy Arshavin
Jch Rus, BLR, UKR, CH RUS, UKR, BLR, LT, INTER CH, FT-DUCK Lorevy Endless Love Story
C.I.B., C.I.E., Multi Ch Christy